Friday, June 7, 2013

The Things I See When You are Looking Away

I know you now,
not just the landscape of your body
though I know it well.
The twists and turns,
the smooth curves that lead to places
where dreams and visceral reality form a close bond.
I know you,
as the sea knows the beaches it visits
in repetition on constant change.
One continually changing the shape and texture
of the other,
the other changing the flows and force
of the one.
I know the voice that echoes
within the chambers of my heart,
laughter that sprays onto the high, dry places
bringing sweet relief to old sorrows.
I know you, as we dance.
This eternal waltz that has been back and forth
long before my first wave caressed those foreign shores.
I knew you before the first drop that formed me,
before the first grain that formed you.
We have always been, even before we were
and will be, after our memory has dwindled.
Our echoes reach out into the void
in all directions.

1 comment:

  1. intimately beautiful

    it was soft and lush and warm and full of the sweet tingling of love's aspiring glanced affections
