Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mirrors and What to do With Them

A shattered looking glass, oft the result
of a decline in respect for the visage staring back.
Shattering a looking glass results in a fragmented
image that once gazed back from a perfectly polished surface.

All the time and effort mending broken glass,
a result of deceit.
Recovering that old aspect is foolish pride,
but what is a reflection?

It is simply the throwing back, by a surface of light
without absorbing it.
Reflection has no depth, no memory,
conscience or redeeming quality.

Reflection is a sideways, casting glance.
A vision to be interpreted, not taken in the literal.
The result of a shining lie
held in place for both subjection and objection alike.

Reflections are often more distortion than validity.

They show us what we want to see at times
while there are quiet and hard moments when they
show us an image we wished we had never gazed upon;
Dorian tricked and thus vanity meets reality.

Breaking mirrors serves no purpose
the mirror, only an instrument.
The true fractures occur not in the ephemeral vessel
but in the soul.
Beginning minute, undetectable; festering begins
with the emotionless ticking of a second hand.
They start when lies are used to construct a pseudo countenance,
innately more pleasing and grow when lies
take root and become a truth;  a truth inevitable as the season’s cycles..

The diluted self has no foresight, nor a desire to ponder past lives.
Self loses meaning, direction; becoming much like
“wandering stars for whom the gloom of darkness
has been reserved forever”
Lost; no rhyme nor reason.  
A heartbeat away from chaos.

So we mend what has been broken
taking care to patch the gaping hole,
so as not to offend or to reveal,
reveal any cracks in our carefully crafted masquerade.

The mirror is for the surface, reflection.
The back of the eyelids, soul’s introspection;
a much better gauge of the human condition.

Leave the mirror, forget what you see
focus on your hands, the actions taken during any given day.
Reflect on your promises, those you broke
as well as the ones you kept.
Reflect on your dreams, discard the clutter
embrace those filled with light, insight and
“consider the lilies, they neither toil nor spin.”